Quality Assurance
We’re a team of committed individuals with over 30 years of experience in providing housing support for vulnerable adults in Birmingham and other areas we operate in.
- We understand the local areas we operate in
- We have strong relationships with key housing-support stakeholders
- We understand the varying needs and circumstances of our clients
- We have a multi-partnership approach
- We have plans to expand into other local authority areas to develop new build schemes in partnership with landlords and developers.
Tenant feedback is really important to us. Complete the survey by clicking below.
Eligibility Criteria (Supported Accommodation Only)
Single homeless people aged 18 and over are eligible for our supported accommodation services, but the following exclusions will apply:
- people with medium to severe mental health problems
- people who have medium to severe learning difficulties
- people with medium to severe substance use problems
- people who have medium to severe physical disabilities
- people who do not need housing related support
- People with a history of arson or violence
Eligibility Criteria (Temporary Accommodation Only)
We provide temporary accommodation services as well from our larger properties for families and other tenant groups, working in partnership with the local councils. Please contact us for more information.
Eligibility Criteria – Housing (Specialized Supported Housing Schemes (SSH) Only)
Our Housing Tenant Profile for SSH schemes is:
- Adults with learning disabilities or mental health issues
- Autism
- Men or women
- 18 years + age
- Primary diagnosis of enduring mental health problems
- Dual diagnosis (mental health + substance misuse and/or mild learning disability)
- May have complex needs
- May have a forensic history
- May be subject to Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
- May be subject to a Community Treatment Order (CTO)
- May have a history of suicide attempts and/or self harm
- May have chronic well-managed physical health problems
Exclusions are:
- History of arson
- Sex offenders
Please feel free to Contact us or complete the referrals form if you feel our services could be of use to you or your contacts.
- Most Common Contact Reasons
Tel: +44 121 3300 194
Gateway2Housing is an adoptee of the Birmingham City Council Charter of Rights Quality Standards and has Bronze Certification of Achievement from BVSC for exempt supported accommodation.